
Iceland 360 VR brings you to all of Iceland´s major points of interest in high resolution 360° panorama aerial photographs The goal of this wesite is to cover all of Iceland´s major towns and natural wonders all around Iceland to create a new kind of interactive map of Iceland that will help and inspire travellers that are coming to Iceland to decide where to go and what to do on their Iceland trip. We´ve started working with entrepreneurs in Virtual Reality, drone technology and Travel Companies here in Iceland and have been fortunate enough to work with some of largest national parks, Þingvellir & Vatnajökulsþjóðgarður, to get permission to fly in otherwise no-fly zones to document and show the world a rare glimpse of some of the unique and awe inspiring natural wonders that are to be found all around Iceland.

You can also find us on Facebook as Iceland360VR

Feel free to contact us at iceland360vr@gmail.com if you have any questions or comments!


The team behind Iceland 360 VR is comprised of:

Snorri Þór Tryggvason (www.snorrithorphotography.com), a local photographerfilmmaker and cartographer. Snorri is the founder of Iceland360VR and has spent the last years travelling all around Iceland in order to capture high resolution 360° images of Icelands major points of interest. Snorri is also the founder and owner of the design studio Borgarmynd.

André Luís (http://meet.andr3.net/ ), a portuguese front-end engineer with an acute concern for elegant and purposeful design. Coming up with delightful solutions through a user-centred approach drives him to pursue simplicity, with enough complexity within users’ effortless grasp. He’s also grown quite fond of climbing onto a stage and speaking to his fellow colleagues and sharing best-practices and experiences.